2020 –

Traian Minghiraş, Tudor Tămaş, Alexandru Mureşan, Tamas Pandi (2022). The medieval mine from Dealul Crucii (Baia Mare, Romania). Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Speleology, Vol. II – Karstologia Mémoires n°22, p. 369-372.

Alexandru Mureşan, Traian Minghiraş, Dragoş Conțiu, Tudor Tămaş (2022). The Thurzó canal: a XVIth century aqueduct from Baia Mare (Maramureș, Romania). Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Speleology, Vol. II – Karstologia Mémoires n°22, p. 373-376.

Tudor Tămaş (2022). On a new occurrence of rapidcreekite from NW Romania. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Speleology, Vol. V – Karstologia Mémoires n°25, p. 165-168.

2010 – 2019

Traian Minghiraş (2018). The exploration of some old mines from Maramureş (county) 1996 – 2018. Speomond, 19, p. 29-33. (in Romanian)

Carol Kacsó, Traian Minghiraş, Teodor Bâlcu (2016). Mountain archaeology research in Baia Mare (II). Arheovest IV, p. 491-512, West University of Timisoara, Szeged. (in Romanian)

Traian Minghiraş, Alexandru Mureşan, Andrei Bărbos (2015). The pothole from Custura Șetrii. Speomond 18, p. 33-36. (in Romanian)

Tudor Tămaş, Oana Miheț, Alexandra Giurgiu (2014). Mineralogy of bat guano deposits from Huda lui Papară cave. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 9/3, p. 25 – 32.

Carol Kacsó, Traian Minghiraş, Alexandru Mureşan, Ioan Pop, Zamfir Șomcutean (2013). The stone wall from Sălnița – Custura Cetățelei. Journal of Bistrița, XX1V04II/2013, pp. 104-118. (in Romanian)

Tudor Tămaş, Ferenc Kristály, Lucian Barbu-Tudoran (2011). Mineralogy of Iza Cave (Rodnei Mountains, N. Romania). International Journal of Speleology, 40 (2), 171-179.

Tudor Tămaş, Bogdan Mureşan, Diana Sahy, Traian Minghiraş, Alexandru Mureşan, Iuliana Vişan (2011). Geology and karst geomorphology of the Izvorul Izei area (Maramureş, Romania). Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. 11, (2011), p. 25-46.

Dumitru Iştvan †, Tudor Tămaş, Traian Minghiraş (2011). The karst from the Someşan Plateau. Booklet edited for the National Congress of Speleology, Ileanda (4001), 10p. (in Romanian)

Montana Caving Club, Baia Mare (2011). Contributions to Karst knowledge, vol. 2. (ed. T. Tămaş, M. Vlaicu). Abstracts of the papers presented at the National Congress of Speleology, Ileanda (4001), 7-11 september 2011, 22p. (in Romanian)

Carol Kacsó, Dumitru Iştvan †, Traian Minghiraş (2011). Mountain archeology research at Baia Mare (I). Journal of Bistrița XXV/2011, p. 295-336, Bistrița-Năsăud Museum Complex. (in Romanian)

Tudor Tămaş, Răzvan Ungureanu (2010). Mineralogy of speleothems from four caves in the Purcăreţ – Boiu Mare Plateau and the Baia Mare Depression (NW Romania). Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Geologia, 55(2), p. 43 – 49.

Carol Kacsó, Dumitru Iştvan †, Traian Minghiraş (2010). Mountain archaeology research at Băile Borșa, Memoria Antiquitatis XXV-XXVI, Piatra Neamț Museum of History and Archaeology. (in Romanian)

Carol Kacsó, Dumitru Iştvan, Traian Minghiraş (2010). The Dwarves’ mine from Chiuzbaia, Journal of Bistrița, Bistrița-Năsăud Museum Complex, XXIV, 385-398. (in Romanian)

2000 – 2009

Tudor Tămaş, Diana Sahy, Bogdan Mureşan, Odile Negrean, Mihai Tămaş, Traian Minghiraş (2009). Iza Cave – the Story of a re-survey. Speomond 14, p. 24-30. (in Romanian)

Diana Sahy, Emanoil Săsăran, Tudor Tămaş (2008). Microfacies Analysis of Upper Eocene Shallow-water Carbonates from the Rodnei Mountains (N Romania). Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Geologia, 2008, 53 (2), p. 13 – 24.

Alexandru Mureșan, Dumitru Iștvan, Ioan Pop (2008). Temporary nival glaciers in the Pop Ivan massif. Speomond 13, p. 43-45. (in Romanian)

Timur V. Chiș, Traian Minghiraș (2007). Caves from Maramureș Hills, Speomond 12, p. 30-31.(in Romanian)

Dumitru Iştvan, Timur Chiș, Traian Minghiraş (2007). Petroglyphs in Grota lui Doboș din Dealul Camnea (Doboș‘s grotto from Camnea hill) (Lunca la Tisa). Journal of the Pro Unione Cultural Foundation, Year X, nr. 1-2, p. 63-68. (in Romanian)

Carol Kacsó, Dumitru Iştvan (2007). The epigraphic monument from the Borcut mine gallery in Baia Sprie. In honorem Dr. Florea Costea, Bibliotheca Cumidavae, Braşov, 2007, p. 385-394. (in Romanian)

Iştrvan Dumitru, Minghiraş Traian (2004) The medieval mine gallery from Dealul Crucii. Journal of the Pro Unione Cultural Foundation, Year VII, nr. 1-2, p. 17-18. (in Romanian)

Dumitru Iştvan (2003). The caves of Pintea Viteazul (Pintea the Brave) from the Maramureș county. Journal of the Pro Unione Cultural Foundation, Year VI, nr. 1-2, p. 170-172.

Timur V. Chiș, Andrei Michnea (2002-2003). Mohelca, cave or altar? Speomond 7-8, p. 39. (in Romanian)

Tudor Tămaş, Christiane Causse (2001). U–Th TIMS chronology of two stalagmites from V11 Cave (Bihor Mountains, Romania). Theoretical and Applied Karstology, 13, p. 25–32.

1990 – 1999

Zamfir Șomcutean, Gheorghe Nistor, Marius Todoran (1996). Peștera Speranței din Dealul Popii (The Hope cave from Popii Hill) (Valea Vinului, Munții Rodnei). Cercetări speologice/Speleological research, 4, p. 9-10. (in Romanian)

Dumitru Iștvan, Ioan Tămaș (1996). Data on the karst from Popii Hill (Valea Vinului, Munții Rodnei). Cercetări speologice/Speleological research, 4, p. 5-9. (in Romanian)

Iosif Rist, Traian Minghiraș, Robert Gergely (1996). The Izdocinâi Pothole from Petriceaua ( Maramureș Mountains). Cercetări speologice/Speleological research, 4, p. 4-5. (in Romanian)

Dumitru Iștvan (1996). The cavers’ winter in the Someșan Plateau. TERRA XXISupplement of the Speomond journal, year II, p. 33. (in Romanian)

Dumitru Iștvan, Iosif Rist (1996). The potholes from Piatra Rea. TERRA XXI – Supplement of the  Speomond journal, year II , p. 30-32. (in Romanian)

Eugen Constantinescu, Dumitru Iștvan, Iosif Rist, Robert Gergely (1995). Hydrodynamic and genetic observations in Lii Cave (Someșan Plateau). Cercetări speologice/Speleological Research, 3, p. 41-44. (in Romanian)

Zamfir Șomcutean, Gheorghe Nistor, Emeric Paal, Iosif Rist, Marius Todoran, Dumitru Iștvan, Ioan Mureșan (1995). The caves from stânca Moloșnaia (Maramureș mountains). Cercetări speologice/Speleological research, 3, p. 7-9. (in Romanian)

Dumitru Iștvan, Radu Micle (1995). Coralite-like aggregates in the Cave from Piatra Băiței (Maramureș mountains). Cercetări speologice/Speleological research, 3, p. 5-7. (in Romanian)

Dumitru Iștvan, Ioan Tămaș, Iosif Rist (1995). Considerations on the karst from V Repedea, Vf. Pietriceaua (Maramureș mountains). Cercetări speologice/Speleological research, 3, p. 1-5. (in Romanian)

Dumitru lştvan (1994). Yearly report of the Montana Caving Club – activities in 1993. Cercetări speologice /Speleological research, 2, p. 38. (in Romanian)

Dumitru lştvan (1994). Letca 1992 (Someșan plateau). Cercetări speologice/Speleological research, 2, p. 23-28. (in Romanian)

Dumitru lştvan, Gheorghe Damian (1993). Regular rhombohedric calcite crystals intergrowths in the cave “Peştera Cristalelor din Valea Rea” (Rodnei Mountains, Romania). Theoretical and Applied Karstology, 6, p. 101-106.

Dumitru lştvan, Iosif Rist, Eugen Constantinescu, Gheorghe Gellinek, Felix Merşei, Ioan Tămaş, Ioan Borz, Marius Diaconescu, Marius Todoran, Dan Zenecan, Corneliu Moldovan (1992). The update of the cave record from the 4001 hydrographic basin (left side of Someş river between Bizuşa and Jibou). Speleological research 1, p. 50-84. (in Romanian)

Dumitru lştvan, Iosif Rist, Ioan Borz, Eugen Constantinescu (1992). The system Peştera cu Puț – Avenul Diaclazei (Baia Sprie – Munții Gutîi). Explorări 1989-1992. Buletin informativ al Clubului de Speologie “Montana” Oneşti, p. IV – VII. (in Romanian)

Dumitru Iștvan (1991). Karstological data on the Avenul Puțurilor from Șoimușeni. Buletin speologic (Speleological Bulletin) FRTA-CCSS – Galerii, 13, p. 29-38.

Dumitru Iștvan (1991). The role of abrasion in the making and modeling of cavities in the Oligocene sandstones of the Someşan Plateau. Buletin speologic (Speleological Bulletin) FRTA-CCSS – Galerii, 13, p. 18-28.

Dumitru Iștvan (1991). Montana Baia Sprie Caving Club – 15 years old: 1976 – 1991. Baia Mare, 12 p. (in Romanian)

Dumitru Iștvan, Ștefan Damian (1990). Mineralogical data on the gypsum from Peștera din Zănoaga Pietricelii (Someșan Plateau). Peștera – Buletinul Clubului studențesc de Speologie ,,Emil Racoviță“ Cluj-Napoca (The cave – Bulletin of the ,,Emil Racoviță“ Cluj-Napoca caving club) , 3, p. 130-136. (in Romanian)

1980 – 1989

Dumitru lştvan (1983). Tectonic peculiarities of the endokarst from the Oligocene of the Someşan Plateau. Buletin speologic (Speleological Bulletin) FRTA – CCSS, 7, p. 48-55. (in Romanian)

Dumitru Iştvan, Alexandru Zachan (1983). – The caves from the area of the Mesteacăn village (Maramureş county) – Bulletin of CSER Bucureşti, 8, p. 98-106. (in Romanian)

Dumitru lştvan (1983). Karst phenomena at the Bistrița springs (Știol). Carst – the annual journal of the CEPROMIN caving club, Cluj-Napoca, 3, p. 3-7. (in Romanian)

Dumitru lştvan (1982). The Karst from Vălenii Şomcutei (Someşan Plateau). Carst – the annual journal of the CEPROMIN caving club, Cluj-Napoca, 2, p. 61-67. (in Romanian)

Dumitru Iștvan (1980). Morphogenetic observations in the Ulița Pietrii (Stone Alley) area (Valea Chioarului). Marmația annual, V – VI, series Natural Sciences. Maramureș County Museum, Baia Mare, p. 57-63. (in Romanian)